Planning to Dig or Build


Texas Pipeline Awareness Alliance 811Before you plant a tree, add a fence, install a swimming pool or dig on your property for any reason, call 811—it’s the law.



Comply with Texas law by following four easy and free steps:

  1. Call 811 at least 48 hours before your digging project begins.
  2. Wait. Don’t start your project until lines are marked. Lines are typically marked within 48 hours of your call.
  3. Dig with caution.
  4. Immediately report any dents, scratches or damage.

The leading cause of serious pipeline incidents is third-party damage, often by a contractor, landscaper, farmer or do-it-yourself enthusiast. Protect underground pipelines by following the Texas One Call Law. Always dial 811 to notify One Call at least two days before you dig, plant or build.

811 is a free, national service created to help protect home and business owners from unintentionally damaging underground utility lines while digging. One Call coordinates with pipeline companies to mark the location of underground lines before you dig.

Texas Pipeline Awareness Alliance 811Operators will mark the location of pipelines with marker flags or colored paint. Pipelines are marked with yellow flags. Other underground utility lines will be marked with different color flags. View the color code chart to learn more about marker flag colors and the lines they represent.

Respect the marks and dig carefully. Talk with the pipeline operator if you have questions about safe digging near pipelines. If you nick, ding or damage a pipeline while digging, call the operator immediately so that they can come inspect and repair any damage to prevent future issues.

Review Texas’ One Call Damage Prevention Law.

Signs of a Pipeline Leak

Use your eyes, ears and nose to identify a pipeline issue and quickly respond.

Teach Your Family About Pipeline Safety

Make sure your family knows the signs of a pipeline issue.