Teach Your Family About Pipeline Safety

Issue with pipelines are rare, but make sure your family knows the signs of a
pipeline issue. Teach your family about the pipelines in and around your home and what
to do if they suspect a hazard.

Click on the featured video below to teach your kids about pipelines and how
they can help protect the pipelines in and near your home.

This video is used with permission from the Common Ground Alliance.


Pipeline Scavenger Hunt – Download this sheet, and help your kids have fun as they search and find different components of pipelines in and around the home.

For additional tips and tools to teach kids about emergency preparedness, including templates to create a family emergency plan, explore www.ready.gov.

Signs of a Pipeline Leak

Use your eyes, ears and nose to identify a pipeline issue and quickly respond.

Planning to Dig, Plant or Build?

Call 811

Know the Texas law and comply in four easy steps!